We recognise that our industry is susceptible to slavery and human trafficking and as such the agency takes steps to alert our staff and management to the risks, however small in our business – to be our eyes and ears whilst out on site, and to report any concerns. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern-day slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or indeed any part of our business or operation.
Policy Statement
Our policy sets out the agency’s approach to managing this issue within our industry sector. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern-day slavery or human trafficking in our business or any part of our supply chain. Our policy statement reflects our public commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and business partnerships, and to implementing effective monitoring systems to ensure that human trafficking and slavery is not present in any part of our business or supply chain.
Risks and Monitoring
With regards to our supply chain, Lycon Recruitment is prepared to guarantee to all of its clients that its staff and management team are aware of the issues surrounding modern slavery, know how to eradicate it, and will not knowingly or unknowingly take part in this practice. This includes ensuring that all workers supplied by the agency are paid at least the minimum wage, and that employed staff have the right to work in the UK and aware of their employment rights within the UK. Lycon recruitment is also committed to regularly auditing our supply chain to ensure these practices are maintained.
We are happy to work with any client whose “preferred supplier” requirements include compliance with the Modern Slavery Act.
Zero Tolerance
Modern Slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Lycon Recruitment work to a zero-tolerance approach to these practices and has put systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery or human trafficking taking place within our own business.
Policies and Training to address Modern Slavery
Our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy sets out our stance on modern slavery and explains how our employees can identify any instances, where they can go for help and guidance, and what the next steps will be. Our whistleblowing policy explains how staff can raise legitimate concerns. All our staff have access to these policies. Training is given to all staff to highlight the risks in our business and supply chain and the appropriate steps to take should any staff become suspicious of modern slavery taking place.
Lycon Recruitment Ltd Commitment
The Directors and Staff of Lycon recruitment are wholly aware of their responsibilities to eradicate Modern Slavery in accordance with good business practice, and are committed as individuals and as a business to ensuring that our company and supply chain are not involved in modern slavery. Should any employees be found to be participating or tolerating this practice they will be subject to disciplinary proceedings up to and including dismissal.
For the sake of transparency, this statement is published on our Company website.